The Front Porch
The best nooks and crannies of life are all found at home....
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Katherine Unchained
Sunday, March 17, 2019
and CHAOS ensued!?
Friday, August 31, 2018
Running in the Snow 1969
We started about 11 P.M. on a high hazy night by the loop near Hardwick, as we passed Bowie the snow was falling hard and fast and the houses were mostly hidden with the occasional dark mass just over there, by the time we got to Wester and never E of Quaker, the snow was starting to hit the 1" level. The swirling dizzying mass of flakes seemed impenetrable as I occasionally looked up from my rubber banding.
Soon we were headed E inside the S loop through all those curved streets and avenues where I had no understanding of the direction we were going nor the street or neighborhood. Needless to say our pace was a crawl and after a trip or two to 47 & Boston to reload, we finished up some 14 hours later with 8 or 10" of snow on the ground but those drifts. My driver was a goodun for sure.
I never threw papers again, and often wonder how I got lost in Lubbock.😂
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
3 Favorite phrases in my youth
If anyone who knew how best to play turnabout at a game of twisting toes it was Paul R Revier.
My Grandmother Lucy always said 'If any youngster ever had possums run across his grave, it musta been you", Robert F Revier.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Aloud into the night, some Frost, warm as t'is cold,
Even though I may feel a bit old
First my dog, Ole Jake, gives me cheer
By reminding me, with the cock of an ear,
No matter what else I fear,
there are some I am chosen to lead.
For he goes and get's my mother dear
To open the door and set him loose
Whence he comes to set a spell and listen--
'Til my wife takes pity and let's him back in;
Telling me he's been awaiting on me.
Says I, "I like an audience!"
But in he goes to a warm bed now.
So on I shout to the cold crystal sky
And the winged creature with a four foot span
Who went who knows where just momments gone by.
Just then, dear John who happens nigh,
Called from the dark, "Robert! I was listening in!"
So I said, "Come on up, sit down, I have a chair."
"I stood outside the lamp light for awhile.
I hope you don't care."
"Not at all," I say with a smile.
"You read real good, I don't mind to say."
"Well you can't go wrong with some Frosty hay,
Though his meter's apt to get a tad bit lost."
So he asks for more, and on I drone,
All about Maple, or Mabel, as she was known.
There was one about a Christmas Tree,
But before that 'The Path less Taken'. He,
John, says he memorized it once and quotes the ending paragraph.
So I read it and it makes us part as we laugh,
Later, now, I'm pictures loading down and up,
As my wife gets ready to sleep I have sup't
At the table that my Lord has set,
And I think this may be the best Chrismas yet!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Originally submitted at Thompson Cigar

From the famed factory of boutique artisan Felipe Gregorio, we bring you the 20 Cigar Torpedo Collection, a selection of the finest Torpedo-shaped cigars that Felipe has to offer. Get two each of 10 mild to medium-bodied brands: Vieja Hacienda, White Horse, Ferdinand Y Isabella, 809, Golden Class, ...
Great Value!
Pros: Great Flavor, Varied flavors, Easy To Light, Mostly good draws
Cons: Occasional constr issue, Wrapper Imperfections
Best Uses: Special Occasions, Everyday
Describe Yourself: Aspiring Aficionado
I enjoy an evening smoke, and these Torpedo samplers have allowed just the right variety and quality to keep things interesting and enjoyable for a relaxing hour or so on the porch with a good book, a clear sky and twinkling stars.